Siriwattana Thaisonthi


Green Innovative Biotechnology company

         My name is Siriwattana Thaisonthi. I hold Ph.D. in Biology from Silpakorn University, Thailand.  I have started my experience on vaccine research and development since I studied Ph.D. (2010). I did research about Dengue and JE vaccines at the Center for Vaccine Development, Mahidol University. I started my career as vaccine technical officer at National Vaccine Institute, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. I worked with public and private organisations on vaccine reseaches such as Dengue, JE, Influenza, Chikungunya and others. I also have a bit of experience  on establishing the national vaccine policy. Moreover, I participated some training courses such as Vaccinology course in Seoul, South Korea, vaccine production in industrial scale and vaccine registration. 

          Now I work at Green Innovative Biotechnology company. We interest in developing the vaccine for fish and cattle. 

Research interests

Human and animal vaccines in term of Live-attenuated vaccine or Chimeric live-attenuated vaccine.