Tamdjo Moyopo
Sharon Siegfried
Tamdjo Moyopo
Sharon Siegfried
Final year veterinary medicine student
University of Buea
View profileBiography
I am a highly motivated and results-oriented veterinary professional with a deep passion for applying the One Health approach to address critical challenges in global health and food security. My core expertise lies in zoonoses, sustainable livestock production, and minimizing disease transmission across the human-animal-environmental interface. This focus extends to my postdoctoral research, where I will continue to specialize in these areas. My ultimate goal is to contribute to the achievement of SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) by improving livestock productivity and reducing zoonotic disease burden Research interests
One Health approach, zoonoses and livestock production (food security) are my key areas of focus, even with respect to my postdoc they shall be my core specialties. Reducing disease transmission within the human, animal and environmental sectors are my interests inorder to ensure healthy lives and promote human well-being at all ages (SDG 3) and increase livestock productivity i.e. zero hunger (SDG 2) Projects you're working on
For this academic year 2024-2025, my final year project is titled "Seroprevalence of Brucellosis in Dogs and Owners' Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in Fako Division of Cameroon"
The objectives will be:
- To determine the prevalence of brucellosis in dogs within Fako Division
- To assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding brucellosis
- To identify the factors associated with the KAP of dog owners towards brucellosis.
- To map out various areas where dog meat is commonly consumed using a geographical information system (GIS)
The deliverables will be to understand the epidemiology of the disease in dogs (absent in Cameroon's published papers) and risk factors exposing humans to the infection, improve livestock production in the community rather than dog meat consumption and urge key stakeholders to enforce the One Health approach to control this zoonotic disease in Cameroon. Discipline
Epidemiology Parasitology Statistics Virology Host species
Dogs Pigs Poultry Small ruminants Zoonoses Pathogen
Bacteria›Brucella Bacteria›E. coli Bacteria›Mycoplasma Parasites›Nematodes Parasites›Ticks Viruses›Newcastle disease virus Viruses›Rabies virus