I am a Nigerian male currently resident in Nigeria. I studied Microbiology in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, where I graduated top of my class and with a First Class honors degree. Subsequently, I obtained a Masters degree in Virology in the same University where I again graduated top of my class and with a PhD grade. Afterwards, I obtained a PhD in Virology in the same University. I am well trained in cell and molecular biology, immunology, virology and bioinformatics techniques which I use in research as documented in my publications (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Faleye+T). My research has centerd largely on Enteroviruses (and to a lesser extent, Hepatitis B virus) and has spanned their detection and identification from both sewage contaminated water and clinical samples. I have also investigated their serology, dynamics and molecular epidemiology. This I have done using both classical cell culture, microscopy and serology techniques as well as molecular biology techniques like polymerase chain reaction, sequencing (both Sanger and Illumina) and sequence analysis with bioinformatics software.
I am a Virologist from Nigeria. I work on Enterovirus (the genus to which the Polioviruses and EV-D68 belong) detection, prevention and control. Specifically, my interests include detecting enteroviruses in various samples and better documenting their diversity in Nigeria using a variety of molecular assays ranging from polymerase chain reaction through Sanger and Illumina sequencing, and sequence analysis with bioinformatics software. I am also involved in developing indigenous strains for vaccine development and discovery of compounds with anti-enterovirus effect