Uladzimir Karniychuk


Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University
Uladzimir (Vladi) Karniychuk is an assistant professor at the Department of Veterinary Biosciences, OSU. Vladi specializes in viral pathogens. He previously worked as a Principal Investigator at the University of Saskatchewan’s Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) and is also an adjunct professor of Public Health and Veterinary Microbiology there. Dr. Karniychuk earned his PhD in Virology from Ghent University, Belgium, and his DVM from Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Belarus. His lab uses advanced molecular tools and animal models to study how CpG content in virus genomes affects infection and immune responses, aiming to develop vaccines.
Research interests
Live vaccines, Virus genome biology, Interactions of wild-type and dinucleotide-recoded viruses with host proteins, Flavivirus pathogenesis
Cellular biology Challenge model development Challenge study design Immunology – innate Virology
Host species
Pigs Zoonoses
Viruses VirusesPorcine circovirus
Stage of vaccine development
Clinical trials Pre-clinical trials