Symposium: Starve the livestock pathogen, feed the world

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

A one day session as part of the Microbiology Society's annual conference

With the United Nations' resolution to eliminate world hunger by 2030, and the world's population heading towards nine billion, agriculture will need to increase livestock production from the same or less land. Africa and Asia are the continents with the largest share of the world's uncultivated land, but attempts to develop and expand current capacity in order to meet the growing food demand are halted by deadly killers in the form of viruses, bacterial and protozoan parasites. This session focuses on neglected livestock diseases that have a large economic impact on poor livestock keepers in Africa and South Asia. We will showcase the latest developments in basic and applied biology research, discuss host-pathogen interactions, vaccinology strategies and much more.


  • Liam Morrison (Roslin Institute, UK)
  • Chiara Trevisan (Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium)
  • Keith Matthews (University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Guy Palmer (Washington State University, US)
  • Sandra Blome (Friedrich Loeffler Institute, Germany)
  • Fiona Tomley (Royal Veterinary College, UK)
  • Dorothy Yeboah-Manu (Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Ghana)
  • Jo Halliday (University of Glasgow, UK)


Register for the Microbiology Society's annual conference here. Registration closes on 27 March 2020.