BactiVac Catalyst Funding for Pump-Priming Projects - Round 7

Closing date: 18 June 2023

Catalyst funding for pump-priming projects is available to support collaborations between Network members in bacterial vaccinology.

The catalyst funds are flexible, typically up to £50,000 and expect to provide deliverables within 6 months post-award. This catalyst funding scheme prioritise projects that:

  • Facilitate onward progression of bacterial vaccines along the pipeline to licensure
  • Offer robust solutions to overcome the difficult preclinical to clinical transition
  • Advance the ability to tackle the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
  • Involve BactiVac partnerships, particularly new partnerships, with a long-term work plan
  • Include LMICs and/or industrial partners
  • Demonstrate a clear pathway to impact
  • Have realistic plans in place to demonstrate intellectual property (IP) has been considered
  • Include plans for achieving further substantive funding at the end of the project

