IVVN Meeting Report
The inaugural meeting of the International Veterinary Vaccinology Network took place on the 26th and 27th March 2018 in the beautiful setting of the Ole Sereni Hotel which overlooks Nairobi National Park in Kenya. With 115 delegates from across 23 of countries in attendance, this was a fantastic opportunity for IVVN members to meet, and form new collaborations in order to improve vaccine research and development for livestock and zoonotic diseases in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs).
Catch up on all the news from the meeting, including the full programme, meeting report, poster prize winners, scholarship reports, and presentations from our excellent speakers.
Our next meeting will be joint with the UK Veterinary Vaccinology Network in January 2019 in the UK. If you would like to receive notification of the details of this meeting, please register to become an IVVN member here.