January 2018 Newsletter
The January issue of the International Veterinary Vaccinology Network Newsletter is available here.
This month we awarded our first round pump-priming funding - a huge congratulations to all awardees, and we can't wait to see the results of these exciting projects! We have an excellent line up of speakers for our first meeting in Nairobi on the 26th & 27th March 2018, and after awarding 27 scholarships for researchers from LMICs to attend, we now have a call for scholarship applications from early career researchers in non-LMICs to attend the meeting.
There are lots of exciting events coming up in 2018, including a workshop on vaccine efficacy, hosted by IVVN member Dr. Alasdair Nisbet.
Furthermore, the newsletter contains news, publications and funding opportunites (including a transnational access call from VetBioNet) from the wider community.
If you would like a news story, event, publication or funding opportunity featured in our newsletter, please e-mail IVVN [at] roslin [dot] ed [dot] ac [dot] uk.